Website Classification Prototype

This was a one year research where topical and non-topical labels were assigned to obesity-related websites in Canada. The architecture of the backend and frontend is described here.

Following publication further explains the details of assigning non-topical labels to the website.

Chaman Thapa, Osmar Zaiane, Davood Rafiei, Arya Shrama, Classifying Websites into Non-topical Categories, Proc. of DAWAK, 2012.

Windows Live Messenger Plugin - Neptext

This was a personal project with an effort to add English-Nepali Transliteration module to Windows Live Messenger. The plugin can be downloaded here.
The transliteration mappings are listed in the help file and is also listed here. This module only works for Windows Live Messenger 9 and uses Microsoft Detour library to create the required hooks.
The source for transliteration module is present in github.

[Screenshot 1]   [Screenshot 2]

English to Nepali Dictionary

A basic English to Nepali dictionary created in Qt. Download

[Screenshot 1]

Face Recognition Prototype

One of my first research projects (probably requires much tuning). Uses OpenCV to detect the human face and uses PCA for recognition. Stores the images in SQLite. Requires 6 frontal face images for training.
Download  Architecture

[Screenshot 1]